Publishing plans for the rest of the year
Things are busy here at Princelings Publications.

- Bravo Victor comes out of its exclusive period on Amazon on 31st July, and will be published on Smashwords soon afterwards. It will then be distributed to the other major ebook stores - B&N, the Apple iBookstore, Kobo outlets, etc - and also be available at a special price for libraries.
- The major project for August will be to publish White Water Landings, Geoffrey Pett's memoirs of his life in Africa in the late 1930s, setting up the ground arrangements for the Imperial Airways flying boat service. This departure into the memoir genre is a new venture for us. We're partnering with Blurb to bring this through as a quality paperback as well as an ebook.
- We are currently also helping Blurb test their new ebook formatting system for trade paperbacks (text-heavy, like the stories).
- Onwards from there, the project is to bring out the first three Princelings books as paperbacks with Blurb. These will have a new cover, and be different editions. The Amazon versions will still be available, but these new paperbacks will be our new focus. We have been unhappy with the quality of the trim of the Amazon POD facility, which has re-emerged after they said it had been fixed. We feel our readers deserve better.
- Danielle English has been revising the covers for these paperbacks, and here's a sneak peek at the drafts for Pirates and Lost City - still unfinished, but you can see the more detailed, three-dimensional style.

- If you have any ideas for the first or fourth cover illustration, feel free to comment!